Sexism, Misogyny, & Perspective

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post on the experience I termed “eye rape” which is when someone looks at your body so lasciviously that you feel violated. Someone subsequently left the following comment on that blog post: “The infantilization of women starts at home. There is no such thing as eye rape.... Continue Reading →

Riding on Planes with Strangers

  For the past four years, I’ve been making a cross-country trip to California every summer, and each time I get the same advice/warnings from well meaning observers. Be careful. California is a dangerous place. Don’t go out alone. Watch your bags in the airport.         And then there’s always the incredulous, You’re going alone?! Yes,... Continue Reading →

“Child-Free” (and that’s okay): A Response to “Why I’m Not Having Children”

  It’s incredibly freeing to be honest. And enlightening when you find support for your honesty. When I wrote my blog “Why I Won’t Have Children,” I wasn’t expecting to elicit the overwhelming response that it did, but I’m glad that so many of you have responded which allows me to continue talking about a... Continue Reading →

Why I’m Not Having Children

  Grow up, go to college, find your true love, start your career, get married, buy a house, and have a few kids. And probably a dog too, who can run around your white picket-fenced yard. That’s the American “DREAM,” isn’t it? There’s this understood checklist of life-accomplishments we need to complete in order to... Continue Reading →

Why Women Love to Be In Controlling Relationships

There seems to be a fad of sexual domination in literature today, at least that’s what the media leads us to believe after the wild popularity of the “50 Shades of Grey” series in all it’s punishing glory.  However, I’d like to believe that this isn’t a new trend but has been in our literature... Continue Reading →

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