A Farewell to The Mindy Project

So The Mindy Project aired its final episode this week. Season 6 was particularly short (only 10 episodes!) which is heartbreaking (because why can’t it go on forever!), but also I think realistic considering Mindy Kaling’s real life pregnancy and how well this season did on bringing in old characters and tying up storylines. Also,... Continue Reading →

Adulting Ahead

If you haven’t already seen the slightly sleepy and delirious vlog I made with Alanna at William & Mary’s Homecoming discussing the peaks and valleys of post-college life, I highly recommend you do that now! Otherwise, I’m going to dive right into a few more thoughts on “Adulting” because even though I was SO TIRED... Continue Reading →

Get Into the Halloween Spirit with My Favorite Halloween Video Creations!

I’ve always loved Halloween for its magic and how it inspires me to be creative. It was an excuse to dress up in fun and imaginative costumes that people would actually see (as opposed to just my parents who I gave daily fashion shows of my latest creations), and a time to imagine myself in... Continue Reading →

Once Upon a Time: 7×01 Thoughts and 7×02 Predictions!

I promise I’ll get back to non-Once Upon a Time/TV-related content eventually, but there’s just too much stuff to think about, and I want to write it down for posterity! Last week we talked about the new season of Once Upon a Time and how it was a reboot and a new beginning for the... Continue Reading →

A Concert for Charlottesville

Two weeks ago, my friend Katherine called me on a lazy Sunday afternoon and asked what I would be doing the following Sunday. For once, I actually didn’t have much planned that weekend so I told her I was totally free, and she subsequently invited me to A Concert for Charlottesville hosted by The Dave... Continue Reading →

Fall 2017 TV Show Round-Up!

Somehow the summer has slipped away from me, and it’s fall again. Even though I’m sad to see the warm weather and beach days replaced by cooler temperatures and Halloween candy, fall does bring one of my favorite parts of the year: new seasons for my favorite TV shows! I’m always excited to see what... Continue Reading →

Immune Disorders and Why I Can’t Seem to Take a Sick Day

Let me tell you a little bit about immune disorders. If you didn’t know…they suck. (But I imagine you could guess that.) It’s really easy (and almost mandatory these days) to suffer silently from them. Because you’re suffering silently. It’s difficult to justify taking a “sick day.” My body is pretty much always in this... Continue Reading →

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